Ropuhan Sumandak Tamparuli
Ropuhan Sumandak Tamparuli's Channel
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Ropuhan Sumandak Tamparuli
Ropuhan Sumandak Tamparuli
This channel is made to share various simple recipes for a housewife who is in the middle of crisis raising their children but still has to prepare fine dining for their working husband :)...I am also a housewife and have two sons. Every day is like a battlefield for me. I have to clean the house, do laundry, feeding my sons, bathing them, put them to sleep, and the list does not has an ending. Yet, my husband still expecting fine home-cooked food waiting for him at home after back from work.
Channel Comments
ujiajia7804 (3 minutes ago)
Sedap nya
bietuschannel (9 minutes ago)
Mantap asih... Campur tuntul sikit... Supaya sedap
jackdeangel1637 (17 minutes ago)
ruviangumpion6464 (28 minutes ago)
Masak nasi goreng...ok continue watching..
RiniElisa (31 minutes ago)
115 kocak banget masak sambil ngobrol I love it
norbertservarioschannel (46 minutes ago)
Mmg pndai ko masak bh topinai... Akhirnya siap jg ko masak... Smpai sy tguk sampai abis pun trkeluar jg airmata sy.. Blm lg sy mkn... Pa pun mantapp menu tu td smga sukses slalu
widjoyoHR (51 minutes ago)
Wooowww......nasi goreng....enakkk....makasih resepnya...
ellizeveshine4054 (2 hour ago)
Pertama kali sy dgr nasi goreng keluar air mata...simple tp sedap smpai keluar air mata..
cintadandoa9106 (2 hour ago)
mantap sampai.keluar.airmata nasi goreng luarbiasa.
menggalifirman2260 (2 hours ago)
Kelihatannya pasti enak ni mantap
ondupirid (4 hours ago)
wow nasi goreng mantul
alicepatricia5779 (21 hours ago)
Sedap itu nasi goreng🏻🏻🏻
angelahan2329 (2 hours ago)
Terbaik, tanakwagu pandai masak nasi goreng...
dwianchannel6314 (7 hours ago)
Wih enak bgt tu nasi goreng
sitivianiemorisol (22 hours ago)
Haha mantap bah nasi goreng keluar air mata thanks aa kasi share resipi, sy suka betul tgk channel masakan, boleh belajar mcm2 cara masakan. Bagus oh laki bini turun dapur kan, jadi inspirasi ni
Cdaj05 (18 hours ago)
Bestnya suami istri ni..kerjasama di dapur...suami pndai bantu msk nasi goreng pasti sedap ni
pigodchannel6698 (4 hours ago)
Pertama kali sy nampak o telur kena letak MCM tu
KokodouTv (22 hours ago)
Terbaik bos, , ngam nasi goreng sadap
novitamayasari7932 (7 hours ago)
Bisa dicoba nih resepnya kksukses selalukk
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