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Dad Jumps Over Table To Attack Daughter's Killer in Court
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Good Morning America
Good Morning America
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Channel Comments
TotallyNotSnowman (4 minutes ago)
pandorabox5532 (9 minutes ago)
The most heartbreaking part is his expression at the end. You'd expect blind rage but he only shows pain, he's actually suffering.
Kelly-vc4rs (17 minutes ago)
This is a parent's grief. No words can explain the heart break that he felt.
comptech5240 (28 minutes ago)
We are proud of what you did father.
vetreeleek9212 (31 minutes ago)
this man felt something that i wish no father will ever feel, all my support goes to him
eliashriki2775 (47 minutes ago)
His expression at the end... pure sadness, confused anger, at himself and the killer.
jasonthepowerranger7457 (51 minutes ago)
Imagine being in the father's place, and looking at the face of the man who was the last face that your daughter saw before she was killed by that same man. The emotions after realizing that is insane.
Writti (2 hour ago)
This is a real father. Daughter should live.
sharonmah5812 (1 hour ago)
His reaction is exactly how he feels. I’m sorry for his loss. Can’t imagine that.
dabolife1 (3 hours ago)
His love is immeasurable. Glad he was able to reach him.
LoremIpsumPeach (2 hours ago)
My heart goes out to him. Cannot imagine the pain of losing a child and being in the same room as the person who took your beloved from this world and away from you
diequick8235 (20 hours ago)
they should have given him a minute to do his thing
itsnuke_ (3 hours ago)
so heartbreaking, nothing like a dad and daughter bond. can't imagine having someone take that away. god bless that man
MICHAELSOUTH (13 hours ago)
U cant blame him, u can’t imagine how this is. Feel sorry for his loss
suns3tzz (19 hours ago)
The worst feeling ever is grief, may his daughter rest in peace.
Godbrand (2 hours ago)
you can see the pain in the father's eyes. the desire to have protected his daughter with his life...
cerysevans790 (16 hours ago)
my heart absolutely broke for the dad. he looks so hurt
Korbynnator (12 hours ago)
You can see the pain and grief in his face, I hope he is doing better now.
Zeex2k6. (23 hours ago)
His love to his daughter is so wholesome.
blaneharrison6341 (13 hours ago)
If theres any justice in this world...lock them in a room together for 10 minutes
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