SpartaYoshi's Channel
SpartaYoshi has no videos available.
Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome to my fourteenth channel, a hellhole from where you will not escape. Viewer discretion is advised.

Jokes aside, my channel has been the space of archiving all of my projects for almost a decade. I've done lots of things. From recording myself playing Mario Kart back in the days to just, memes, lots of memes, and wacky stuff. I've also been part of projects like SMPLive back when I streamed on Twitch regularly.

Nowadays I dedicate myself to producing music under the name @Stereoverz and make documentary style stuff, and other sorts of cool stuff (idk). You can still find my old audiovisual projects around here archived.

Stay tuned for more and enjoy the show ~ 📺

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