Mike Michalak (MUSICBYMMB)
Mike Michalak (MUSICBYMMB)'s Channel
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Mike Michalak (MUSICBYMMB)
Mike Michalak (MUSICBYMMB)
Mike Michalak - Singer/Songwriter/Producer/Guitarist.

Mike is a fixture in the Chicago music scene.
Since the age of three he has always been singing and playing guitars to the point of an obsession. Mike decided to become a songwriter- guitarist and since has been able to collaborate with some of the top artists in the Chicago-land area.

His disc "Big Plan" has been featured on many
radio stations across the US and is streaming across the universe.

Go get the new CD "Super Pig" out now!

Look for Mike and his band of musical mo-phos to erupt into something special....STAY TUNED INTO THE ENERGY!
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