Turkey Tom
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Channel Comments
(3 minutes ago)
A friend of mine once got drunk watching that one big documentary on Chris and said "This Sonichu thing is clearly a demon that choose Chris as its victim" and that stood out to me.
(10 minutes ago)
"Moral of the story... actually there is no moral. Some stories are just sad and disgusting from start to finish"
(18 minutes ago)
This is the most jarring and whiplash inducing emotional roller coaster of a story i have ever heard. You know shit is bad when trolls start stopping other trolls from going too far. Its just depressing.
(28 minutes ago)
As someone who's seen a few documentaries on chris-chan, 3 hours doesn't feel like enough lmao
(32 minutes ago)
Chris Chan is the closest thing we have to a real life Truman show. But autistic and horrifying
(47 minutes ago)
I'm only a few minutes into this documentary, and that letter that Chris's father wrote telling him to take care of and love Barb just makes my skin crawl knowing how this all ended.
(51 minutes ago)
ok turky tom. i was on the fence about you.
(2 hour ago)
Chris is the best example on how to not raise a kid, who you shouldn't be and how to not act towards others.
(1 hour ago)
Honestly gotta give Megan some credit for putting up with Chris for so long. Literally gave him several undeserved chances and was excruciatingly patient with him
(2 hours ago)
Man, Bobs letter to Chris is absolutely heartbreaking when you see how Chris turned out. It was so wholesome and loving, and he had no idea how much of a bastard Chris would be.
(6 hours ago)
Watching this makes me feel like Matthew McConaughey in interstellar watching the past through a black hole, and screaming "NO NO NO" before something happens
(6 hours ago)
If Chris doesn't want to date you because of the color of your skin, don't be offended, just be grateful he doesn't want to date you.
(14 hours ago)
As a Autistic kid growing up, the hardest thing for me to understand was that not everyone is your friend, not everyone is laughing with you, people are using you for the joke and make fun of you. I’m so glad to have a mom that understood that I was different and was able to help me see that. Seeing Chris’s history just makes me sad because I was him at one point. I feel like if he just had some type of consistent help this might of gone differently.
(2 hours ago)
1:12:18 I think it’s disgusting that people solicited explicit pictures from Chris, a severely mentally disturbed disabled man who lacks the ability to differentiate fantasy and reality, and then posted them online and sent them to everyone he knew. In our modern era this is SUPER ILLEGAL and considered revenge . Chris is a wretched unredeemable person but that was so unwarranted. These people 100% played a HUGE role in his descent into madness. I mean the guy was still in love with a troll account he knew wasn’t real!
(14 hours ago)
Megan has the patience of a saint. If it takes that much to drive her off she must be IMPOSSIBLY tolerant to a normal person. I hope her sane friends know how lucky they are to have her.
(11 hours ago)
Megan is a genuine good hearted person, some people deserves a friend like Megan. makes me mad how Chris abused her and just saw her as a sexual object
(21 hours ago)
So basically a bunch of people completely harassed a severely autistic guy who had no real idea of what objective reality is but wanted to be normal so bad and what he believed would make him normal is a family but no real idea what that means.
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