Custom Glass Channel
Custom Glass Channel 's Channel
Custom Glass Channel
Custom Glass Channel
Still a beginner, please support & advise πŸ™

Greetings Glass Artists.
Hopefully it can be useful. β˜•
Always try to give the best. πŸ’―

The best knowledge is knowledge that is useful for other people πŸ™.

The real teacher is yourself,
Learn from Experience,

Keep Learning πŸ’Ž
πŸ”‘ Key to Success πŸ™

Never be afraid to try πŸ’ͺ
Keep working πŸ‘

WhatsApp : +62 897-245-0505
Channel Comments
rendypangenyori7869 (4 minutes ago)
Keren min 🏻
Ferdinan_Jahroni (9 minutes ago)
pro bg
sirinitisimon1350 (18 minutes ago)
Good job
Kotak_Kaca (28 minutes ago)
mantap om
Hasrulhanakim (32 minutes ago)
sehat selalu mas bro
Metal_glass (47 minutes ago)
boleh lah
Medical_Room (52 minutes ago)
mantap bg
kuli_bermartabat (1 hour ago)
leonelreynoso2427 (2 hour ago)
Muchas gracias por compartir sus conocimientos. Por supuesto manita arriba.
palestinenews24-c8e (2 hours ago)
ini sih pro banget. rapih.
arsitekturmuda (3 hours ago)
sukses selalu mase
RajendraSaman (10 hours ago)
Selalu membuat penasaran
RadanKamanu (3 hours ago)
ikut belajar om
Edisusanto-Chanel (1 hours ago)
Terima kasih ilmunya om, sehat selalu sekeluarga dan di lancarkan rejekinya. Amin
AR_channel_info (14 hours ago)
Bahan biasa jadi luar biasa
raju_karim (6 hours ago)
great job mas bro 🏽
pangerankodok742 (13 hours ago)
Bintangkacamulia (22 hours ago)
trik yang bagus
SagalaSagala-fk3bz (3 hours ago)
penggemar garis keras
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