영순해 yeongsunhae Vocal hone
영순해 yeongsunhae Vocal hone's Channel
영순해 yeongsunhae Vocal hone
영순해 yeongsunhae Vocal hone
2020년 10월29일 보컬 공부를
시작 이론과 실습을 병행해 잠시,
음악을 독학, 즉흥적
일단 노래해 보컬
자료를 만듭니다
6개월 속성 기초 발성 보컬 연습기
Main Channel 1#윤온세 yos
커버곡 반주 악보 연습과 보컬 트레이닝 과정 기록

October 29, 2020 Vocal study
Startup Theory and practice in parallel for a while,
self-taught music, spontaneous
I'm just sing and try to find a fix
create materials
Main Channel 1 #Yoon Onse yos
Thank you so much.
A collection of accompaniment sheet music for cover songs,
Firm belief and challenging spirit for freedom and peace,
creative Design Life Journey,
I'm unleash potential when I can
Keep going until I go
Dedicated to luck and gain a sense of achievement
For a peaceful world, a life of freedom
For the challenge of life, the turning point

Channel Comments
mccchannel1104 (4 minutes ago)
Nice voice
allieanacalanocvlogs5442 (9 minutes ago)
aj_and_nami (18 minutes ago)
hello friend
atonebai_52 (28 minutes ago)
It's about song of life rather kamsameda kumapta
mohamedsadki7849 (31 minutes ago)
JamilaAbalosTv (47 minutes ago)
Nice on. Love it. #tinay
junrietabz2419 (52 minutes ago)
Waaw nice song and voice my friend. Very entertaining and relaxing.
LesSancho (2 hour ago)
More practice makes it perfect! Have fun and keep on singing!
lalhshubtwin5003 (2 hour ago)
Great sharing my friend. Fr LALH’s Hub
lynpavo8831 (3 hours ago)
sending support
mariroztv8624 (22 hours ago)
Nice one. Full support done.
garnetgaysurat7691 (6 hours ago)
Done tamsak from kiraraZ family
christinenabos2726 (12 hours ago)
Kirara z
erlindacosico (4 hours ago)
Kirara z
rachelledimalibot1806 (8 hours ago)
sending support From #kirara
erlindacosico (7 hours ago)
Kirara z
rhinaluisasantos5786 (13 hours ago)
Very good singing...done subs frm kirara z
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