Off Grid Amy717
Off Grid living on a budget. I know every person has an idea of what off grid living is. The most basic definition is not being connected to utilities. For some its providing all your needs yourself. Many off grid channels seem like "life styles of the rich and off grid" . That is not me at all. I don't have the ideal setup in a perfect location. I have what i could afford. In an area not far from my work and home. I spend most of my time off here. Feel free to suscribe. Grow with me. Learn with me . Educate me. I only bought my cabin in 2018. Prior i had seasonal sites in campgrounds. Thank you for checking out my channel.
Channel Comments
(3 minutes ago)
Range testing is always fun! Glad you got it working!
(9 minutes ago)
Yes repeaters are fabulous things.
(18 minutes ago)
Subbed. Not sure if I mentioned that when I commented last. I do not understand radios, frequencies, Repeaters etc. Even tho I have a ham radio, I don't understand it. I have a handheld walkie for up to a mile in the woods. I don't have GMRS lol. I just know simple. Here to learn
(28 minutes ago)
Very nice! Yes, I think an external speaker could help.
(31 minutes ago)
Consider that little beep just before your receiver squelches and becomes completely silent. That beep is coming from a repeater controller. So your communication was with the repeater. Your son's communication was also with that same repeater. So the real key to whether or not you could talk with him is the repeater's location, the sensitivity of the repeater's receiver, the power output of the repeater's transmitter, and finally the gain (if any) of the antennas involved. But you were not talking simply radio to radio. Very likely the repeater is on top of a high location such as a mountain peak, since the frequencies involved with GMRS radios are high enough that they are limited to essentially line of sight. In this case, both of you could see the repeater location. Ham radio on VHF and UHF is very similar to what you have demonstrated here. The only real differences being the exact frequencies involved, the licensing limits, and the call letters.
(47 minutes ago)
Ooo0o0o0ok i guess ill get a radio and play with you guys. Seeing i am at the peak of the mtn im curious how well a signal i would have
(51 minutes ago)
Is this 60 miles simplex?
(1 hour ago)
عجب دنيای زیبایی دارید با رادیوها. اینجا در کشور من رادیو مجاز نیست و ما مرده ایم
(2 hour ago)
My Grandma had a Chihuahua that would get that look on it's face. And then my hand would get these little pointy dents in it.
(3 hours ago)
Not a true range test. Your using a repeater. If its a repeater on a network you will be able to talk with other people on other repeaters connected to the network hundreds of miles. Your most likely accessing the network thru your local repeater that is 20 miles or less away.
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