EdoardoMaster's Channel
Vegeta's Serenade | Starbomb | LETRA en ESPAÑOL
8: Breaking Out - The Protomen | ESPAÑOL
9: Keep Quiet - The Protomen | ESPAÑOL
VI: Sons Of Fate - The Protomen | ESPAÑOL
4: The Hounds - The Protomen | ESPAÑOL
IV: Vengeance - The Protomen | ESPAÑOL

Channel Comments
evelynmccabe (3 minutes ago)
I wanted to sing along, but now I am shocked of how meaningful the lyrics are ;)
mattdylla3225 (10 minutes ago)
Fun thought... Daniel Sexbang is the descendant of the starlight brigade hero, who first befriended ninja Brian. Ninja Brian, being the bro he is, has watched over the Sexbang lineage ever since... Which is why he's so concerned with helping Danny sexbang get laid.
mitchellbarton7915 (18 minutes ago)
Seriously, Dan and TWRP have no idea how they inadvertently made their own superband name and intro song with this. It's just perfect... Fits them more than Cool Patrol in my opinion. (Which is what they're seemingly looking at using according to their reddit last I read it.)
patchwilliamson (27 minutes ago)
"No fate but that of which we make"
MatmMactan (32 minutes ago)
Thanks man, now i can actually understand what they are saying.
JAGomez (46 minutes ago)
is anybody else just playing this on repeat wishing they had a spaceship?! NO? JUST ME? DAMN this song slaps
sewerpeople346 (52 minutes ago)
In my head cannon The Light Brigade is a voltron type space force and this is Dan's origin story...your lyrics really help me share this song. Thank you very much
WhiteTiger950 (2 hour ago)
A very emotional song that has frankly brought me to tears multiple times! With the lyrics written it helps me to see that! Well done TWRP, Dan and Bryan!!
Darskul (1 hour ago)
I feel like this has serious Star Ocean vibes.
Spartan_-bz4ec (2 hours ago)
This is my new top favorite song (thanks for the subtitles)
davidhertzman3521 (6 hours ago)
Why is this not on TV it so great that it should be a series
mamadee1971 (4 hours ago)
Why is this not an anime series?!
joshuaducheny7544 (12 hours ago)
I was literally suffering from depression for like 3 weeks then I heard this song and things got so much better. Although I do want an anime now.
ts25679 (10 hours ago)
There were a lot of lyrics in there I've been, understandably, miss-hearing.
AurenGlytterkat (14 hours ago)
This song gives me life
tyranidfan3 (8 hours ago)
now i can actually sing along :D
albireotheredguard1599 (4 hours ago)
Now I want to join the Starlight Brigade, WHOSE WITH ME?
slothcannon9341 (21 hours ago)
I think it’s cute that the characters are the NSP band, and Dan is singing of course
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