ur bout 2 lose
ur bout 2 lose's Channel
My Gold 1v Build guide | The Division 1.8.3
the most broken build guide!! the division 1.8.3
signature skill glitch? the division 1.8.3
Gold Build 1v1 montage.exe the division 1.8.3
ur bout 2 lose
follow me on twitch i stream every thursday and friday https://www.twitch.tv/urbout2lose
expect 1 weekly upload from me
I am urbout2lose. Welcome to my channel, Here you can find game play, montages, funny moments, and guides. i do not claim to be the best at any game. just a few games i currrently play, For Honor, The Division 1, and Modern Warfare Warzone. any feedback will be greatly appreciated. i am gonna try to post at least once a week please like subscribe and share my channel. my xbox gamer tag is ur bout 2 lose / UFearLose.
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Channel Comments
zacharygray1774 (4 minutes ago)
Hey man I just wanna say I hope people start to realize that your up there with the bigger players. I've played against your clan a few times though and you guys are always hella coordinated. Right now I'm trying to set up a anti pred build and I'm running 52% exotic damage res and 42% bleed res. And so far it's been a beast for pred users
thebeaterdrumer (9 minutes ago)
Thanks for the build sir. Amd ya we still playing with it
yop186 (17 minutes ago)
Damn i got my next project. Since my Gamertag is Predator they will expect me to run 9k stam. Thank you
zz_zylux5093 (28 minutes ago)
Wtf bro hard hard hard
xornedge8204 (31 minutes ago)
Haven't played in a long time but pred can be countered by the med station no? Well it's a very nice build tho. What happens if you make a hybrid Banshee or Alpha Bridge?
Citric-SizzIe (47 minutes ago)
How your crit chance go from 14 to 43
V.i.s.Z (51 minutes ago)
I want to use this build but of course my chest piece and mask is forced roll into stam you got any recommendations for that
Nooby608 (1 hour ago)
You still havent made a nomad build bro lol love your vid by the way
deadboys6318 (1 hour ago)
Do a tank build
kaiyrx (3 hours ago)
Looks familiar bro. Lmfao. But I run straight 6pc firearm pred. People get mad mad. I also have one w Barrett's and dual mdrs.
spadesmarchitam2682 (21 hours ago)
How did you make your The House 29k dmg?
HerrRosso (2 hours ago)
I was running the same build but with reckless....only for fun- not to survive
ghostfallen8744 (21 hours ago)
LeanFuelFitness (10 hours ago)
What about the abilities talents of the predator marks
JNTIII- (2 hours ago)
Looks my channel division
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