Castle Fine Art
Discover a host of artist interviews, gallery tours and all the news on the latest releases and exhibitions from Castle Fine Art. We aim to make art accessible to all, with a network of inspiring retail art galleries across the UK. Our range includes both original artwork and high quality limited editions from artists such as Johnny Depp, Bob Dylan, Billy Connolly, Paul Kenton and many more.
Channel Comments
(3 minutes ago)
The meaning of Five is very meaningful,no cage,no prison any more,the bird is free and life is a bird song
(10 minutes ago)
Hearing him talk about that period of his life is so sad. I can’t imagine the emotional pain he was going through. His abuser and her shit eating freeloaders ruined his life for nothing. I’m glad he’s had an outlet to express himself in his art and music. Even if you’re not a fan of Johnny what happened to him is a travesty as a human being. No one deserves to suffer as he has and not everyone would handle it with such humility and kindness. Love your art, Johnny!
(17 minutes ago)
I could listen to Mr Depp talk all day long..
(28 minutes ago)
This man is so human. There’s no bull to him. He’s the real deal and incredible at his craft as an multi discipline artist
(32 minutes ago)
Love Johnny's artwork. And love him too. So proud of him, for so many reasons. Love, support, and respect from Palestine
(46 minutes ago)
I always look at peoples eyes because honestly it’s the windows to the soul ! Johnny this is so beautiful
(52 minutes ago)
We all got to know Johnny more through the court trial and I grew to appreciate him even more. With all his flaws.
(1 hour ago)
It’s more beautiful because he took the darkest of times and brought Light and healing both to himself and now to others. May it Always Be
(1 hour ago)
Although he doesn’t intend the subject to look lifelike , you can’t help but see and feel the emotion behind the eyes. Bravo
(2 hours ago)
I have always been able to tell how Johnny is feeling by his eyes and I knew he was having problems with AH before it was news. He has got his sparkle back in his eyes since the trial and the pain is lifted and Johnny is living his best life again. We all love you Johnny ️
(10 hours ago)
"Almost everything you do is a self-portrait in one way or another." Love that!! Everything you do is in a sense a reflection and expression of who you are
(21 hours ago)
In the portrait he looks so sad and lost, that's what he conveys to me
(9 hours ago)
I'm so sorry that you were put through so much turmoil. I pray you only know love, calm, and affection forevermore. Art is such a beautiful way to express oneself and emotions flowing through the body.
(22 hours ago)
Proud of you Johnny! You are such a wonderful soul. We love you so very much. Keep going, you look so good and happy. We all have your back now and forever. Hugs!
(6 hours ago)
Johnny is a true artist on every level!!!
(22 hours ago)
I'm so damn proud of this beautiful man.
(16 hours ago)
Johnny gives so much of himself to everyone. Even in the darkest moments we all have his back and never doubted him. He is a hero in real life. I love him singing heroes with the Vampires. Thank heaven for a creative outlet in his art to let go of the demons within.
(21 hours ago)
Thank you for showing your many talents to the world Johnny. I know many have been inspired by how you evolve everyday.
(19 hours ago)
Thank you for your art and your honesty Johnny ️ we love you!
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