Sarthak Goswami
Sarthak Goswami is a multi-disciplinary entertainer with over 10 Million+ cumulative digital reach across different platforms.
Sarthak brings esoteric news and concepts like politics, social issues, science & technology, finance to the fore and translates them into simple digestible content for his audience all while following his simple mantra- ‘Marrying News with Entertainment.’
Our viewers are not limited to the Indian subcontinent, but spread across the globe including countries like the USA, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal etc.
Our channel has an extensive pool of audience, dominated by the age group 16-30.
Sarthak brings esoteric news and concepts like politics, social issues, science & technology, finance to the fore and translates them into simple digestible content for his audience all while following his simple mantra- ‘Marrying News with Entertainment.’
Our viewers are not limited to the Indian subcontinent, but spread across the globe including countries like the USA, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal etc.
Our channel has an extensive pool of audience, dominated by the age group 16-30.
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