Alien Evolution
Speculative Evolution and Worldbuilding
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(3 minutes ago)
Ok, but imagine the inverse: herbivorous big cats.
(10 minutes ago)
I think the most realistic explanation for carnivorous elephants to keep their extreme size, would be scavanging. Being this big would be useful in combat, allowing them to fight off predators and steal their kills.
(17 minutes ago)
Carnivorus Moose. "Razor sharp teeth, come out at night to bite the tails off smaller animals."
(27 minutes ago)
For the Oceanic Cows taxonomic names
(32 minutes ago)
While I feel like becoming a hyper-carnivore would be pushing it, the idea of a generalist omnivore proboscidean filling a similar niche to a bear, ground sloth, or suid goes insanely hard.
(46 minutes ago)
You should totally do fantasy world building too! I'd definitely watch
(51 minutes ago)
I love all the concepts! The toothed trunk is so unnerving, I love it.
(2 hour ago)
It's a really cool idea that I might use in a d&d campaign... You heard nothing!
(2 hour ago)
My first thought on tusk use: either a marsupial lion-like "immobilizing set" of long sabertooth-like teeth combined with pulling on the prey the other way with the trunk-- they'd essentially kill by ripping their prey up, like some land-gator; or having tusks specialized for tearing up burrows (kinda like how boars do) and breaking apart hollow trunks (specializing for hunting burrowing animals and/or animals nesting in trees).
(3 hours ago)
An idea I had for a mostly carnivorous boar descendant was one that would dig up nutrient fungus with their tusks to eat themselves or use to lure other animals to then pursue and hunt.
(20 hours ago)
New phobia unlocked
(2 hours ago)
i imagine tusks on a predatory elephant would be very good for diggin in ground and gaining access to things like moles, dens full of vulnerable babies, eusocial insect nests, and the concessional tuber if you are not picky. Also if your so big you're probably not picky so also digging through stream beds
(15 hours ago)
Perhaps they’d be ambush predators like crocodiles and use their trunks as lures like how alligator snapping turtles use their tongues?
(7 hours ago)
I imagine a slightly smaller Elephant, with a more sloped downward rear, for shorter, stockier legs and more robust, powerful front legs, giving them a design for more burst speed and charging forward, spearing their prey with their tusks, inflicting wounds that would lead to the prey bleeding out or being injured in such a way as to make fleeing difficult. I would see this predator slowly lumbering around like current elephants, but once they see a target they think they can hit, they wait until they are within burst speed range... then they burst forward quickly to impale the target, maybe even trying to strangle the target with their trunk while impaled, otherwise detaching from the prey and letting it bleed out while it slowly lumbers after it.
(9 hours ago)
2:48 Zesty ahh elephant
(4 hours ago)
2:48 name him Freakphant
(12 hours ago)
Carnivorous Giraffe would be a nightmare fuel.
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