The Linux Experiment
The Linux Experiment's Channel
I'm leaving Firefox, and this is the browser I picked...
Windows & macOS can't do this, but Linux can!
Why I don't recommend Ubuntu anymore
Run macOS on Linux with 1 COMMAND
Ranking Linux Desktop Environments for 2023
Firefox DYING is TERRIBLE for the Web
Why Linux is better for (most) developers!
Fedora is the new Ubuntu - Fedora Long Term Review
PopOS is SPECIAL, and I'm moving to it, here's why!
WAYLAND: what is it, and is it ready for daily use?
I used a MAC for 30 days, and I’m glad it’s over
Android without Google is now 100% usable
12 GREAT command line programs YOU recommended!
How Linux killed Unix: the UNIX Wars
The Linux Experiment
The Linux Experiment
Making Linux accessible: no techno babble, no super technical content. Just Linux desktop news, simple tutorials, application spotlights, and opinion pieces trying to stay positive, without gatekeeping.
I also often reach out to the community to get feedback and poll results, so subscribe to be a part of that :)

Channel Comments
Justopensourceandme (4 minutes ago)
01:35 LOGSEQ
angelcm156 (9 minutes ago)
Krita for all those aspiring digital artists, you do not have to abuse free trials or pirate software to get a great drawing app
Beryesa. (18 minutes ago)
Should start a “Replace with FOSS” hype similar to “rewrite in Rust”
Schaelpy (27 minutes ago)
It would be wonderful if Obsidian would be open source
paultapping9510 (32 minutes ago)
I know gimp is a photo editing rather than image creation, but the lack of ability to easily draw primitive shapes is surprisingly restrictive. Personally I like the OS agnostic, browser-based, photopea
neffscape6353 (46 minutes ago)
Nice! Basically the alternative for Acrobat Pro is... not editing PDFs! Great suggestion Nick
bowiehunter (51 minutes ago)
Sejda for PDFs since he didn't mention anything helpful for PDFs. You're welcome.
novistion (1 hour ago)
Focalboard is made by the same people of Mattermost, and intergrated Mattermost deployments have the boards features built in. (Use it at work, it's fine)
lade_pardee (2 hour ago)
This is the hardest I've been click baited in a long time, I clicked SO fast seeing the Acrobat logo in the thumbnail [because I've been on a hunt for a GOOD program I didn't have to sell my kidney for to make editable "forms" for digital downloads + assets for freelance projects that people can edit themselves after the fact with little to no knowledge on editing softwares/etc] only for him to talk about annoyances from a few half-alternatives then to be like jUsT dONt LuL ..... i'm legit so sad, i thought this was gonna be the best part of my day lmfao
646464mario (3 hours ago)
Joplin is also an excellent choice for note-taking! It allows me to sync between all my devices easily via S3.
jdsmedley (7 hours ago)
6:32 I checked the CSS. The serif font they use is actually TS Riccione, which is adapted from Times New Roman.
RodolfoHermans (17 hours ago)
Accesibility request: Show notes should include the list of software and respective links you are recommending. Sometimes is hard to understand the name of the software you are talking about. Mentioning the name more than once and having the names in text on the screen would help too.
vregile (5 hours ago)
I was among the first open alpha Anytype users and am extremely glad to see it mentioned.
Kevin-cw8of (15 hours ago)
We need to find a way for open source developers to profit from their applications, other Ads, and keeping with the idea of privacy and freedom.
MohAmuza (16 hours ago)
I began learning Linux Mint in a virtual machine last week, and I'm already enjoying it. I plan to spend more time mastering the basics before fully transitioning.
Racsu (21 hours ago)
In my personal case for notes taking and as a replacement for obsidian I just go with Joplin, is way simpler in a lot of stuff but it works and it can look very pretty too.
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