Grimnir9's Channel
Configuring Your BUTT - version 0.1.14
Foobar2000 Now Playing Simple Setup - How To
Change Setting on KIWI IRC Chat Client
Roll a Bob Marley by Hank Marlee
Issue with WP ULike v2.5.1 Notifications
Snow in Moriarty, NM - 12/23/2011
Set IRC Channel to Moderated in KVirc
Snowing in Moriarty, NM - 2019-01-01
How to use the RLM Website
RLM News Promo Video
Tyranny 101
Simple tutorial on using Audacity
Vince Broadcast Tutorial
How To Broadcast on WT and RLM (HQ)
What kind of tree is this? - 2019-05-23
Bug in WorldTruth Membership setting
How To Broadcast on WT and RLM
Tree Branches Blown Down - 2019-05-23
Harmonica & Guitar

Real Liberty Media News - M-F 1 EST
Channel 1

Friday Nights 10:00 PM Eastern - The Freeker's Ball!
Channel 3
Channel Comments
adrianhall9752 (4 minutes ago)
I am trying to get my Motu 828 connected to a new IMAC into BUTT. BUTT recognises the soundcard, but I dont hear anything. Any tips?
neonedu (10 minutes ago)
I play music for a web radio using Djay Pro2 on an iMac. To connect I use Butt for Mac. What I need to do but I can't is to stream the songs names the time I play them. Any ideas, please?
djaymigz98 (18 minutes ago)
How to update song title automatically when I am using virtual dj as my player
umatter2radio749 (28 minutes ago)
Hello, I am not sure if you are still providing help to set up you r station/ But I did not understand if you were saying nowplayin or now playing plugin for foobar. if you can give me some clarity on this I would appreciate it. if you can provide me with where to get it also.
I am using with Zenoradio to go live with audio am using the exact BUTT app here 0.1.14
justsomelid4402 (46 minutes ago)
Hi, does it broadcast whatever is playing through speakers?
jcstutorials3090 (51 minutes ago)
Thanks man! What do you recommend for copyright issues for music ? Is that a monthly paid deal? Thanks!
I have downloaded BUTT now where and how do i get the SERVER, ADDRESS, PORT AND PASSWORD
sarge316 (2 hour ago)
Hi! I'm going to try icecast. what is or where do I get the IP ADDRESS to put in the "ADD SERVER" of BUTT settings?
konnkow (3 hours ago)
Can I use BUTT to play specific songs that I pick for the moment instead of the scheduled songs from my say FastCast4u list?
kjemradio (2 hours ago)
There seems to be an ongoing issue with ShoutCast. The issue is going to my streaming page on Shoutcast (where they tell you to go to listen), but in my case it's a blank page with black text that says "Not Available." Even though my account has been up for a few days now, and is in full compliance with their advert policy for monetizing (which you are forced into under their services).
juliecoleman1538 (14 hours ago)
I set it up based on instructions and configured it. When I turn it on to stream it says its streaming, but somehow the lights don't light up. Please help
wrus9 (6 hours ago)
fantastic tutorial many thanks. I haven't bee able to connect to my shoutcast server with PlayIt live even though I have checked port numbers and server id with the station I want to broadcast with. They have evn given me a new username and password which I have copied and pasted but I keep getting the error message error unable to connect - disconnected. Anyhow just watched your excellent tutorial so I am going to see if BUTT will work for me. Many thanks
ozzieforbes (6 hours ago)
I have a macbook pro with OS Sierra and a mixer VMS2 when I select Audio Device VMS2 Audio Midi Device in Butt , it doesn't connect.Any suggestion? Thanks in advance
mikeintorquay2891 (19 hours ago)
Great, an up to date tutorial, many thanks. Can I suggest that you alter the title to be
theradiotimez1588 (22 hours ago)
I download load butt but it's not working
swarlock (12 hours ago)
Thank you. I was wondering how this worked.
roysb_2628 (12 hours ago)
Does app not work with wi fi routers? I am trying to broadcast a web radio music program and connection fails each time....pls help
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