Yannis GF Cooking
Yannis GF Cooking's Channel
How to Make Gluten-Free Phyllo (Filo) in the Pan
How to Make Figs Sweet (γλυκό σύκο)
How to Make Persimmon Juice
How to Make Gluten-Free Gnocchi
How to Make Gluten-Free Aubergine Crisps
How to Make Gluten-Free Battered Fish and Chips
How to Make Gluten-Free Fish-sticks
How to Make Gluten-Free & Lactose-Free Moussaka
How to Make Greek style Homemade Chips
How to Make Roasted Chicken with Potatoes
Salad with Anchovies and Lactose-Free Cheese
How to Make Gluten-Free Battered King Prawns
Yannis GF Cooking
Hello everyone! I am Yannis! I am from Greece and I am cooking from London. I have been a Chef since 2013 and I have created this channel to provide easy Gluten-Free & Lactose-Free recipes for people that follow this diet.
I also follow gluten-free & lactose-free diet, so let's cook together!!

If you like my videos, please share them with your family and friends.

Thanks to everyone.

Channel Comments
Gertrude1536 (3 minutes ago)
I didn’t realise how easy it is to make GF filo. Thank you Yannis!
smithysfitness361 (9 minutes ago)
Holly wow and so simple to do as well
hanashurafa823 (17 minutes ago)
Amazing creation, you are a genius, thank you so much ,i'v been trying so many recipes, but nothing comes up with a good result, niw I can make a celiac patient happy
GoldMedalistPUOfficial (28 minutes ago)
αρετηΒλάμη (31 minutes ago)
Καλησπέρα Γιάννη πολυ νόστιμο δειχνει εισαι άρχοντας σε ευχαριστούμε πολυ Καλή εβδομαδα Καλό βράδυ
mayaskitchenusa4524 (46 minutes ago)
I been watching many recipe cooking and this one the best too.. easy to recook clear instructions and well prepared, enjoy learning and watching you thank you so much dear LIKE
metanasteusi (52 minutes ago)
Ευχαριστούμε Γιάννη που μας δείχνεις με τις γνώσεις σου πως να φτιάχνουμε και εμείς τα φύλλα για τις πίτες μας!!!
lekshmisruchiworld (2 hour ago)
Very nice sharing dear friend
JordanFishingGR (1 hour ago)
Καλημέρα κύριε Γιάννη πρωί πρωί μας ανοιγης την όρεξη να είστε καλά να περνάτε πάντα καλά
pushpabhatia6154 (2 hours ago)
Amazing wow lovely recipe Thank u for sharing
slayorcs (6 hours ago)
Very interesting and totally different approach than other recipes I have been reading this morning. I'm going to try yours for sure. Thanks from Australia.
GulliversCovers (21 hours ago)
Excellent Phyllo presentation, Yannis Impressive indeed!
elektra2740 (16 hours ago)
Καλημέρα από Ζυρίχη. Μπράβο Γιάννη για τις καλλιτεχνικές σου δημιουργίες.
pushpabhatia6154 (3 hours ago)
Amazing wow lovely recipe
simpleglutenfreekitchen (21 hours ago)
Oh my God I love this. Ever since I tried Gluten free Baklava in Istanbul I have been looking for recipes. Your philo would be so helpful. Thank you!
HarlavanisPanagiotis (10 hours ago)
Καταπληκτική συνταγή Γιάννη μου, καλή εβδομάδα με υγεία!!!
getschannel (11 hours ago)
Φίλε μου Γιάννη, είναι καταπληκτικός και πολύ εντυπωσιακός ο τρόπος που φτιάχνεις το φύλο για τυρόπιτες ή σπανακόπιτες, όλα τα συγχαρητήρια μου!!Καλό σου απόγευμα και καλή εβδομάδα από εμένα και την Ελλάδα μας!! + 82 BIG LIKE
elenilabaki (1 hours ago)
Φίλε μου Γιάννη, πολύ δημιουργικό και φαίνεται και πολύ γευστικό, έχεις βάλει τον πήχη πολύ ψηλά, καλή συνέχεια!!!
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