Reeya Land 🌿
Reeya Land 🌿's Channel
Sultana Cookies
Cara Mudah Mempercantik Hoya Dalam Pot
Indonesian Cheese Layer Cake | Lapis Dancow Keju
Cheese Takoyaki /Resep Takoyaki Keju Termudah
Cake Regal Ubi Jalar
Kastengel Cookies With Gouda Cheese
Puding Cokelat Nutrijell
Jamur Tiram /Oyster Mushroom : 4 Easy Recipes
Star Fruit (Belimbing) Infused Water
Relaxing With Chrysanthemum Tea
Kue Kering Kornet / Corned Beef Cookies
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Baking and Cooking
Reeya Land 🌿
Food - Plant - Home - Wander
Hello Everyone, Thanks for stopping by to my channel

I Hope you can find what you need in my channel
In my channel I share my home daily food, my small and humble home, my little plants collection and sometimes my little wander trips

I'am from Indonesia

Hopely what I share will be useful for you

Thanks so much for visit my channel 😍

Find me at Instagram :
reeyaland (food)
reeya_garden (plants)

With love 💕
Channel Comments
Smileinthekitchen (3 minutes ago)
Video2 bunga viral nya ikutan viral juga sis alhamdulillah .. itu sampe hafal nama2 nya sebanyam itu , aku disini punya dirumah ko malah mau mati yah tiap hari makin kurus dan kuning apa karna cuaca kali ,
hotmawatysimamora4970 (10 minutes ago)
Awak senang liat scindapsus black form, daun nya tebel, hijau nya kerenn & glowing, ketepatan di rumh sdh rimbun daun nya..
sahabatvivichannel1290 (17 minutes ago)
Nice info. Info nya bermanfaat sekali. Scindapaus asli kalimantan. Ma syaa Allah indah banget ciptaan Allah
RatnaDamayantiChannel (27 minutes ago)
Cakep2 bund bunganya..imoet2 cocok di taruh di dlm ruangan
YuliaAlYunus (32 minutes ago)
Wow catik2 bgt scindapsusny gemas paling suka yg dark form..
menikwulansary7672 (46 minutes ago)
Masya alloh bunga 2 yg lagi hits
chyntiatarihoran1096 (51 minutes ago)
Scindapdusnya yg lurik di terasku merayap kemana mana , juga ke pohon mangga ..subur kubiarin aja ...sekarang terkaget kaget 3 daun di nursery di Bppn harganya 75.ribu...memang dulu kubeli 1 pot 150 rb merambat subur..1/2 meter..cantik pokoke
irsyanthi8833 (1 hour ago)
Terimakasih ilmunya Bunda, boleh info beli botolnya mulut botolnya cukup lebar jd bs menhatur scindapsus nya
exoticborneo3364 (2 hour ago)
Makasih kaka.. saya baru tahu.. ternyata....
serdadumitra3105 (3 hours ago)
chyntiatarihoran1096 (4 hours ago)
Terima kasih infonya mbak ..kami tinggal di Kalimantan tapi baru tahu namanya...
litasutanto3878 (10 hours ago)
Baru tau ada youtube nya
maryamruslan3438 (20 hours ago)
Sirih gading daunya tipis..kalo scinda daunnya tebal....itu sependek yg saya tau...
de_modest1320 (8 hours ago)
jadi pengen koleksi scindapsus
utiekprapto5542 (19 hours ago)
Sueneng lht nya.
Cantik banget tanaman nya
KangBasyirTravel (6 hours ago)
wah itu bunga yang lagi viral ya kak
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