jasper peter narisma
jasper peter narisma's Channel
jasper peter narisma has no videos available.
jasper peter narisma
jasper peter narisma
Hi there,if you like,share,subscribe and comment (although some are from me…)it helps out a lot. ALL VIDEOS ARE NOT MINE! Only the ones who do. Jasper is the home for content for Kiddos,teens and adults especially ones with interest on logos.
DO NOT swear in the comments or archive
DO NOT give me very disrespectful comments
and DO NOT copy or edit my and/or the owner’s content. Also, ALL CONTENT IS UNDER FAIR USE! If you start your YouTuber recipe, I am your sauce!
Channel Comments
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userid get finish at: 0.00 clean innertube fetch finish at: 0.10 main response parse finish at: 0.20 getAdditionalSections finish at: 0.30 applyHTML finish at: 0.30