Refala Kids
Refala Kids adalah Channel cover lagu anak baik berbahasa Indonesia dan Inggris. Dalam Refala Kids, setiap lagu akan diunggah dalam 4 versi, yaitu versi bervocal, versi karaoke, versi guide melody dan versi dance remix. Refala Kids juga menampilkan lagu anak original gubahan Lea Trisna dan Jasson Prestiliano.
Refala Kids is a channel covering children's songs or nursery rhymes in both Indonesian and English. In Refala Kids, each song will be uploaded in 3 versions, namely the vocal version, the karaoke version and the guide version. Refala Kids also performed original children's songs composed by Lea Trisna and Jasson Prestiliano.
Refala Kids is a channel covering children's songs or nursery rhymes in both Indonesian and English. In Refala Kids, each song will be uploaded in 3 versions, namely the vocal version, the karaoke version and the guide version. Refala Kids also performed original children's songs composed by Lea Trisna and Jasson Prestiliano.
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