Sakura Magika
Sakura Magika's Channel
Mathematicus - Saddle Arabia
Mathematicus & CxDr - Contrast
Mathematicus & ATW - Blue Fast
CxDr - Tampopo Tempo II: Delirium
Le Soldat Pony - Full Interview [mathie x solly]
ZFC + μ π - Tampopo Tempo III: Death
On Music [mathie x and the rainfall]
Sakura Magika
√ Σ † ∫
Channel Comments
idyliawritehorse7509 (3 minutes ago)
This is perhaps the best representation of Pinkamena I've seen in any song form ever. God damn.
AceEmoKid (10 minutes ago)
Can't stop listening to this. The production is mouth watering. 
Fasdaff01 (17 minutes ago)
This is really damn good; not something I would normally listen to but I find myself coming back to it because it's perfectly executed and a real piece of art.
supersonicfan1313 (27 minutes ago)
this deserves more views! this is one of my favorite mlp fan songs! it's just so amazingly creepy, catchy, and all together amazing! =3
L-TRAIN (31 minutes ago)
Automat1cJack (47 minutes ago)
This is nothing short of Brilliant. I became the 600th person who was able to steady their trembling hands enough to click LIKE. 10 others didn't make it... R.I.P.
DMC4EVERUCCI (52 minutes ago)
Dear Lord this is so amazingly creepy and awesome.
CommentIsUnrelated (2 hour ago)
Oh my god, a song with Dr. Dycer. This is going to be wonderfully dark.
honeyglazedbabies9091 (2 hour ago)
Words can not explain how much I love this. <3
puri_pon (3 hours ago)
Pretty insane... I love it
princess-celestia (6 hours ago)
Still burning and still choked with wretched beauty.
Zephysonas (20 hours ago)
Devilishly delightful dark tune. Turned out a lot better than i thought it would. EQD
ChichiAi (13 hours ago)
wooooooo~!! so delightfuly dark :DDD
RabidSquirrel (5 hours ago)
the end chills me to the bone with delight, hearing those screams of agony...its so delicious
CosmiaNebula (8 hours ago)
The opening speech is based on the Zhuangzi story.
BloodyValentineJoke (22 hours ago)
this song is a very interesting take on the character itself.
TheAlienEntity (15 hours ago)
Well... um... just... wow. 0.0 holy moly. "Creepy" is an understatement. This was unbelievably amazing.
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