Queensrÿche Bootlegs
Queensrÿche Bootlegs's Channel
Queensrÿche Bootlegs has no videos available.
Queensrÿche Bootlegs
Queensrÿche Bootlegs
This channel will feature bootlegs from the amazing band Queensrÿche - for now, the channel will focus on shows with the original line-up, meaning shows from 1981-1997 will be uploaded. Once that is done, I may expand that.
Although with Queensrÿche being an American band, the date format used is NOT the American MM/DD/YYYY format - but a more convenient YYYY/MM/DD format.

I hope you enjoy the channel, and the shows as much as I do. Discussion of the live and studio performances are very much welcome in the comment sections!

DISCLAIMER: The channel is in no way affiliated with the Queensrÿche band, or any of its members - it is purely fan driven. If you ever see any ads on the videos from this channel, they are put there by the copyright holders/managers; not by me.
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